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meteor-example-form-react is a sample Meteor 2.7.1 application that illustrates how to use Uniforms for form development.

Some features of this example:


First, install Meteor.

Second, download this repository to your computer. You can download it as a zip file, or you can click the “Use as template” button to create your own copy of the system, then clone it to your local computer.

Third, cd into the app/ directory of your local copy of the repo, and install third party libraries with:

$ meteor npm install

Running the system

Once the libraries are installed, you can run the application by invoking the “start” script in the package.json file:

% meteor npm run start

> meteor-example-form-react@ start /Users/carletonmoore/GitHub/ICS314/meteor-example-form-react/app
> meteor --no-release-check --exclude-archs web.browser.legacy,web.cordova --settings ../config/settings.development.json

[[[[[ ~/GitHub/ICS314/meteor-example-form-react/app ]]]]]

=> Started proxy.                             
=> Started HMR server.                        
=> Started MongoDB.                           
I20220629-09:06:46.335(-10)? Monti APM: completed instrumenting the app
=> Started your app.

=> App running at: http://localhost:3000/

Viewing the running app

If all goes well, the application will appear at http://localhost:3000.


You can verify that the code obeys our coding standards by running ESLint over the code in the imports/ directory with:

meteor npm run lint


To best understand this application, it is useful to familiarize yourself with:


The landing page for this application provides the Create Student form:

This form has the following input controls:

A filled out but not yet submitted Create Student form looks like this:

After submission, the page pops up an alert showing the submission was successful:

Also note that after dismissing the alert, there is a link of the Create Student page to a page where you can edit the document. Here is this page:

You can edit the fields, then click ‘Update’ to save the changes.


Watch a 35 minute screencast explaining this system at